COLORS are used symbolically (we can use green for envy and red for power and yellow for happiness etc...) In contrast to the symbol system of words that at least has a dictionary to which we can refer for direction, color has no such equivalent. In this context, how can we interpret the use of color as a symbol?
I have found that every experience (and modern rhetoricians share this same view) is relative and that each individual person sees the world through his or her own lens. There can be no finite map for the study of rhetoric because it relies on preconceived notions and individual perspective. I do not presume to know how to categorize or label any symbol system, and that is why this blog will be interactive. I want to hear everyone's opinion- let's face it... we all have one!
In the coming blogs I will focus on why color has become its own symbol system and how these colors can persuade both blatantly and subliminally.
Stay tuned...
Sunday, February 8, 2009
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Right after reading about color, I looked at Wendy's blog, where she juxtaposes different colors with the black and white, noir-ish Sinatra images. This use of color vs black&white definitely has a rhetorical effect, as you say it does. ButI can't really express how it works. What would you say about Wendy's rhetoric of color?
Lindsay, I love your blog so far! i love the images you've used and your warhol style profile portrait! your posts are informative and i can read the excitement in your voice about your project. i like the way you wrote stay tuned and wonder how you did it. i find that blogger is very limited in the fonts offered and that brings... me... doooowwwwnnn. how did you do it? your architecture is fab. well balanced. very eye pleasing yet mellow. you haven't yet begun to experiment with rhetoric on us, but i'm trembling with the anticipation of it! heh-heh.
as for color... i always wondered how we could be sure that each eyeball sees the same hue, or if it's in fact variable. perhaps the hue i call green, is the same hue you call orange, and so on. if that's the case, color rhetoric is largely learned rather than innately felt. i've no foundation to base this theory on though. it's just curiosity.
Good to be curious! I would be interested in any differences between gender with Visual Rhetoric. There is also cultural. Eastern versus Western opinions. Age, like primary colors for kids is common.
So many interesting topics! It'll be fun to see how we think and analyze it. Cognition, perception, upbringing, etc...
I'm very interested in this blog. Fabulous!
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